"Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world."
-James 1:27

Friday, November 9, 2012

Hi Friends and Family!

I hope you are all doing great! Can you believe that 2012 is almost over?! It feels like the year just started a couple weeks ago!
Many of you supported me in going to Uganda this past summer. Thank you for your support as I traveled there and stayed for a couple months! It was a great trip, God was glorified, and I met so many amazing people!
Raising Up Hope for Uganda (RUHU) is the ministry that I worked with while I was there. Under the umbrella of RUHU, there is the Children’s Home and the House of Hope. I spent a fair amount of time at both houses, and absolutely fell in love with the kids in both places! The Children’s Home is financially supported by people who have committed to helping the kids on a regular basis. However, the House of Hope doesn’t have anyone to give them the consistent support they need. So that’s just what we are hoping to do!
The kids at the House of Hope come from the streets. Some of them have been abandoned by their parents, kicked out of their homes, lost their parents, or have run away from home because of poverty or bad situations. They have been living in the slums and have been through more than any of us could ever imagine. Patrick, the founder of RUHU, has brought in about 25 of these kids to live at the House of Hope. They are very sweet kids, and are so grateful for a house to live in, food to eat (most of the time), and people to love them. Now they are a family. And best of all: they LOVE Jesus!!
RUHU is a great ministry and they are doing amazing things to help these kids. However, they don’t have very much money. The House of Hope is a rented space that they must pay for monthly. 25 kids is a lot of mouths to feed. Sometimes these kids actually have to go days without food because they don’t have enough money to buy it. I saw in the few months I was there. There are 25 kids here who need to get an education or learn some sort of skill so they can make a living and not end up back to where they came from.
So here’s where you come in. Our goal is to raise $1,000 per month to help RUHU. This amount will cover rent, food, and a carpenter to teach the kids carpentry. We would like for you to pray about sponsoring the House of Hope for $40 per month or even just giving a one-time donation to help these amazing kids! Any amount that you are willing and able to give would be greatly appreciated!
This isn’t an emotional guilt-trip to get you to give money. You really WILL change the lives of these kids. I have seen first-hand how much these kids appreciate the things that they are given, and how much it really does change their lives.
If you decide to give a one-time donation, you will be giving through a non-profit called Beautiful Response. The two volunteers who started this organization support the RUHU Children’s Home, and 100% of your money goes straight to the kids. To give, you can send a check (addressed to Beautiful Response) to:
Beautiful Response
25978 Mission St
Carmel, CA 93923
Or to send your donation electronically, go to www.beautifulresponse.org, (feel free to look at the website), and click the green donate button near the bottom right of the page. There you will find a donation form where you can choose to make a one-time donation or a recurring donation. In the comment box (or memo line for checks), please write “House of Hope”. Also, please email me at kim.perrin23@gmail.com so we have a record of who is giving what. Make sure to include an email address that you check regularly, and how much you are giving.

Thank you so much for considering helping these awesome kids!! :)


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